How To Protect Your IT Career From Sabotage

They really are out to get you, you know. All those schemers who want your job, your promotion, your bonus are even as you read this sitting at their desk scheming how best to make you look bad, take credit for your work, or even how to get you fired. In this down economy, those … Read more

What Can Cool Design Firms Teach IT Managers?

Each and every IT manager has problems. These problems run from the simple (“How can I meet that deadline”) to the more complex (“These people don’t like each other, how can I get them to work as a team?”). Sometimes we run into problems that despite our deep belief in ourselves, we just don’t seem … Read more

IT Manager Challenge: Bridging That Generation Gap

The workplace is a-changing. As more younger workers start to flood into IT departments (ok, “Millennials” if you must) a lot of what used to work from a management point-of-view has stopped working and this is leaving IT managers with more questions than solutions. There are roughly 80 million workers in this next wave and … Read more

Email And The IT Manager: The Good, The Bad, And The Deleted

As an IT Manager, how good are you at sending emails? I’m not talking about your typing skills, nor am I talking about how many of Microsoft Outlook’s 1,000,000 features you have mastered. Nope, what I’m talking about is how effective your emails are. Do they get the job done or do they just get … Read more