Is Tough Talking The New Correct Way To Communicate?

When you are at the office, how do you interact with people? I suspect that in your office there are smart people, dumb people, nice people, and not so nice people. You probably grin and bear it – you try to treat everyone the same way and you try to be nice to everyone. What … Read more

Could Your Personal Gender Bias Be Playing A Role In How You Evaluate People On Your IT Team?

If I asked you if you had any bias, I’m pretty sure that you’d think for a moment and then say that no, to the best of your knowledge you are basically an unbiased person. This is good news, but unfortunately you are probably incorrect. It turns out that despite all of our IT manager … Read more

Do Politics Have Any Place In The Office?

Oh my! Politics has always been a contentious issue, but it sure seems as though in the past few years it has become even more so. In England the Brexit vote and in the U.S. the 2016 presidential election created hard lines between people who normally work side by side. How should an IT manager … Read more