Questions An IT Managers Should NOT Ask During A Performance Review

Until someone comes up with a better way to evaluate the performance of the members of our team, we are going to be faced with conducting annual performance reviews. The sad thing here is that we don’t look forward to doing them and the members of our team don’t look forward to participating in them. … Read more

The Best Way To Choose A Real-Time Messaging Service

How many different ways do your IT teams communicate with each other? Let me count the ways: email, text, phone call, Facebook, tweet, and even some face-to-face talking. Having all of these different ways to exchange information brings up an interesting question for IT managers that we don’t have any IT manager training for – … Read more

IT Managers Have To Deal With Security Problems At Hotels

If you are an IT manager who works in the hotel industry it turns out that you probably have your hands full dealing with a recent set of attacks by cybertheives. It seems as though the bad guys who used to busy themselves going after retailers have now turned their attention to the hotel industry. … Read more

Do You Have Enough Grit?

Can we take just a moment and have a talk about grit? No, I’m not talking about the buildup of sand and dust from an industrial process. Rather, I’m talking about the stuff that motivates us. That causes us to keep striving to achieve a goal. This all sounds like good stuff and the kind … Read more