Are Boy Or Girl IT Leaders Better At Multitasking?

So this may push a few buttons, but it’s probably a good question to ask in these times IT downsizing and increasing responsibilities for everyone: are men or women better at juggling multiple tasks at the same time? Traditionally, everyone seems to think that women do a better job of this than men, but are … Read more

Do You Have An IT Plan For When Everything Goes Wrong?

IT has long lusted after having a seat at the corporate strategy table – we want to be treated just like the other parts of the business. However, there is a good chance that you’ve forgotten one important task that will prevent this from happening – planning for a disaster. Before you can be considered … Read more

IT Manager Challenge: Bridging That Generation Gap

The workplace is a-changing. As more younger workers start to flood into IT departments (ok, “Millennials” if you must) a lot of what used to work from a management point-of-view has stopped working and this is leaving IT managers with more questions than solutions. There are roughly 80 million workers in this next wave and … Read more

Email And The IT Manager: The Good, The Bad, And The Deleted

As an IT Manager, how good are you at sending emails? I’m not talking about your typing skills, nor am I talking about how many of Microsoft Outlook’s 1,000,000 features you have mastered. Nope, what I’m talking about is how effective your emails are. Do they get the job done or do they just get … Read more

An IT Leader’s Guide To Managing “A-Type” Personalities

So we’ve talked just a bit about the dangers of having players in your department / on your team who get so caught up in something that winning becomes everything to them. It’s almost as though you were attending an auction and it got down to the last two bidders on something and they both … Read more

Turns Out That Employee Motivation IS Like Brain Surgery

Well, sorta. How about if it turns out that the really smart folks who do brain surgery have found out a great deal about how the human brain works and we can use this knowledge to come up with new ways to motivate our IT staff? It turns out that everyone (that includes both you … Read more

Managing Millennials – Is It Worth The Effort?

Quick review, here’s how the generations and their cool marketing names break down: The Silent Generation (ages 63-81) Baby Boomers (ages 44-62) – 80 million strong Generation X (ages 27-43) – 59 million Millennials/Gen Y (age 26 and under) – 80 million! The Millennials have entered the IT workforce in large numbers and yet there … Read more