How Can A Manager Build A Happy Team?

It turns out that gratitude is the key

Ok manager, so you are in charge of a team. What would you like to do with that team? If you are like most of us, you’d like to be able to use your manager skills to create a happy, very productive team. The studies have shown us that happy teams score higher on productivity, … Read more

Should IT Managers Allow Their Team Members To Work From Home?

I’m willing to bet that one or more of your team members has come to you and requested that they be permitted to work from home. For most of us IT managers this tests our IT manager skills and poses a dilemma: we can understand that our team members want the convenience of working from … Read more

How Should IT Managers Deal With Their Management?

I’m not sure if there was ever a time where IT managers would blindly follow what their management told them to do, but if there were, then those days are now long gone. We live in an age where everyone, including IT managers, question everything that they are told to do. Given this, how are … Read more

Whatever Happened To IT Worker Loyalty?

Hey IT manager, just how loyal to your company are you? How loyal do you think that your team members are? I’m betting that the answer to both of these questions is “not very”. Given that that is the current situation that we find ourselves in, how did we get here and what is an … Read more

How Can A Manager Manage IT Workers When There Is No Company Loyalty?

Welcome to the 21st Century where all IT workers now view themselves as temporary workers. The constant cycles of downsizing and outsourcing have made even the most committed workers view their jobs as being not so much as a career, but rather as a temporary pit-stop. Add to this situation the arrival of the young … Read more