How Managers Can Create Innovative Teams

Managers need to know how to transform their teams into innovation engines

As managers we are always looking for ways to use our manager skills to get more out of our teams. What we’ve been told is that we can do this if we can come up with a way to boost their innovation. It may sound easy, but it isn’t. What managers need to do is … Read more

How Managers Can Make Better Decisions

How a manager makes decisions can impact the entire team

If we were to list out all of the important manager skills that a manager needs to have, what would be on that list? Even more importantly, what would be at the top of that list? It turns out that what should be at the top of the list is the ability to make decisions … Read more

Are IT Managers Avoiding Doing What They Should Be Doing?

I’m pretty sure that we can all agree that we don’t know everything. However, if we had the chance to learn some new information, would we jump at the opportunity? Somewhat surprisingly, the answer is often “no”. IT managers can have a nasty habit of not wanting to learn something that they think is going … Read more

Are You A Strong IT Leader?

The way that most of us become an IT manager is that we just happen to be in the right place at the right time. Somehow we find ourselves being assigned or appointed or even awarded the position of IT manager no matter what our IT manager skills are and then all of a sudden … Read more

Why All IT Managers Need To Have Creative Confidence

If you give it some thought, just exactly what does an IT manager need to do in order to be successful? Is it as simple as just doing what you’ve been told to do? I’d be willing to say that this is not the correct answer to this question. Instead, I think that our company … Read more