Friends Should Not Help IT Managers Make Hiring Decisions

No, hiring someone is probably not something that you do every day of the week. However, when you do do it, it is a very important task. You really need to pick the right people to join your IT team if you want to keep its performance high. This of course leads to the big … Read more

Are IT Managers Really Needed?

As an IT manager, I’m pretty sure that you think that you are hot stuff. You provide your company with a valuable service and if you were not there, then they would miss you and your IT manager skills. However, there is a flip side to this thought – is it possible that you are … Read more

How An IT Manager Can Become A Change Agent

If there is one thing that is constant in IT it’s that things are always changing. What this means for you as an IT manager is that you have an important decision to make: are you going to resist change or are you going to become a change agent? If you choose to become a … Read more