The ROI For Employee Training Crisis – Where Is the Money Going?

So you’ve decided that your department / team needs to get some fancy training. Great – more knowledge is always better right? Hold on a minute, maybe not. What happens if after you’ve paid for all of this wonderful training and even some certification (CISSP, CNE, PMP, etc.) your employee decides to walk out the … Read more

Motivation For Your Team Provided By MIT’s Sloan School of Managment

What if…you could somehow find the time to fly out to Boston and take two days to attend the MIT Sloan School of Management’s course on “Managing Technical Professionals and Organizations“? This course is designed for “senior management” but no matter what your title is, you’ve got my permission to attend. Umm, I guess there … Read more

Take Your Pick: Task Or Time?

As we reach the end of the first decade of the new millennium, the IT workplace is once again starting to change. For at least the next few years we’re going to be seeing three distinct generations working together side-by-side: boomers (born before 1965), Gen-X’ers (1965-1979), and Gen-Y’ers (1980-1999). This arrangement causes conflicts and friction … Read more

The Power Of A “Thank You”

So here we find ourselves in the powerful 21st Century and yet still we are looking for ways to motivate and keep our teams together. Hmm, some things never change. I recently had an experience that once again reminded me about the power of something that I already knew but had just once again forgotten … Read more