Video: Are Boy Or Girl IT Leaders Better At Multitasking?

Dr. Jim Anderson takes a look at just exactly who is better at multitasking: men or women IT managers. Dr. Anderson explains how some long-held beliefs have been found to be flat-out wrong. He also goes on to finally reveal if any of us are really good at multitasking. To get more information on how … Read more

Tomorrow’s IT Managers Can Be Found Locally

Even in tough economic times, IT Leaders are still concerned about losing talent. Studies are showing that we are losing our IT Leaders at a much faster rate than new ones are being produced. On top of this, up to 30 million managers and leaders are going to become eligible to retire in the next … Read more

Staffing Diversity Challenges IT Leaders

They say that the world is becoming a smaller place – I think that they just might be right. IT Leaders are starting to realize that coming up with ways to staff their teams so that they are diverse is quickly moving from being a political nicety to now becoming a business necessity. Does anyone … Read more

Making Changes To Your IT Department – 8 Things An IT Leader Should Know

Have you ever heard the phrase “When senior management doesn’t know what to do, they reorganize”? I’m not sure if this is always true, but it sure seems as though when times are tough reorganizations, restructuring, and even re-engineering are things that can happen to any department in IT. What’s an IT Leader to do … Read more

Arrest Of Goldman IT Worker Shows Failure Of An IT Leader

Sergey Aleynikov, 39 years old,  was arrested by the FBI as he got off a plane at the Newark Liberty International airport. Aleynikov is being charged with stealing data with “the intent to convert that trade secret to be economic benefit of someone other than the the owner”. Keeping in mind that everyone in this … Read more

Handling A Promotion Is Something That An IT Leader Needs To Know How To Do

It may seem a little crazy to talk about how to handle promotions during an economic downturn, but they are still happening (hey, sometimes self-promotion yields results!) Additionally, once the world economy picks up again, there will be even more of them. What’s an IT Leader who was once “one of the guys” to do … Read more

Google’s Staffing Problems Can Teach IT Leaders A Lot

If you could go to work for any company out there right now, which one would it be? A lot of us would say Google – everything that we’ve read and heard about the company makes it seem like a great place to work. However, it turns out that even Google is not immune to … Read more

Your Mother Was Right: How IT Leaders Dress For Success

So if you could wear anything that you wanted to work, what would it be? Would you be showing up in shorts and flip-flops? How about jeans and a T-shirt? Well why don’t you? The answer to this question is something that we normally don’t spend a lot of time thinking about, but because it … Read more

IT Leaders Want To Know About : Non-compete Clauses

(Hopefully it goes without saying that I’m not a lawyer and this blog posting is in no way to be considered legal advice. If you’ve got further questions, go get yourself the best lawyer your money can buy…) Did you even know that something called an “Non-compete Clause” existed? It turns out that you may … Read more

Group Decisions Can Be The Wrong Decision For IT Leaders

Decisions, decisions, decisions – how is an IT Leader supposed to make good ones? In our eternal quest to find a way to make good IT decisions on technologies, staff, and projects, is there a silver bullet that we can find that will show us the way? One approach that is used by (too) many … Read more