How Bad Managers End Up Driving The Best Employees Away

Bad managers are the reason that most employees leave a firm

With a little luck, most of us spend our time trying to become good managers. However, we realize that the world has a number of different types of managers in it and this means that there are both good managers and bad managers out there. It turns out that one of the main reasons that … Read more

How Can A Manager Know When They Are On Thin Ice?

You don’t want to be blindsided at the office

So how are things going for you at work? Are you getting along with everyone – especially your boss? Or are you starting to get left out of meetings that you used to get invited to? Are the people that you work with starting to become cool towards you? Has your boss stopped having conversations … Read more

IT Manager Authority: When To Use It And When Not To Use It

Doesn’t it feel good to be an IT manager? The people who are running your company have determined that you have the correct IT manager skills and have put you in charge of an IT team and your word is now law. How cool is that? However, before you start cracking the whip and throwing … Read more

Staffing Diversity Challenges IT Leaders

They say that the world is becoming a smaller place – I think that they just might be right. IT Leaders are starting to realize that coming up with ways to staff their teams so that they are diverse is quickly moving from being a political nicety to now becoming a business necessity. Does anyone … Read more

Recruiting Is Something That IT Leaders Need To Start Thinking About Again

It’s starting to look like the economic winter just might be getting ready to thaw. Once this happens, IT Leaders realize that they’re going to have a massive task added to their already overloaded plate – recruitment. During the economic downturn IT workers were staying put because they didn’t know what was going to happen … Read more

Making Changes To Your IT Department – 8 Things An IT Leader Should Know

Have you ever heard the phrase “When senior management doesn’t know what to do, they reorganize”? I’m not sure if this is always true, but it sure seems as though when times are tough reorganizations, restructuring, and even re-engineering are things that can happen to any department in IT. What’s an IT Leader to do … Read more

Alternate Reality Games: Games That IT Leaders Know How To Play

As an IT Leader, you’ve got some challenges facing you. You’re managing a diverse and potentially distributed work force of highly skilled and talented IT professionals. You need to find a way to keep them challenged, and yet at the same time enable them to find ways to work together. Have you considered Alternate Reality … Read more

Arrest Of Goldman IT Worker Shows Failure Of An IT Leader

Sergey Aleynikov, 39 years old,  was arrested by the FBI as he got off a plane at the Newark Liberty International airport. Aleynikov is being charged with stealing data with “the intent to convert that trade secret to be economic benefit of someone other than the the owner”. Keeping in mind that everyone in this … Read more

Handling A Promotion Is Something That An IT Leader Needs To Know How To Do

It may seem a little crazy to talk about how to handle promotions during an economic downturn, but they are still happening (hey, sometimes self-promotion yields results!) Additionally, once the world economy picks up again, there will be even more of them. What’s an IT Leader who was once “one of the guys” to do … Read more