What Is The Cost Of A Stressed Out Team?

Remind me – is stress a good thing or a bad thing? I mean, some stress has to be a good thing, right? This is what motivates your team to accomplish goals and meet deadlines. All of this is valid information; however, it turns out that too much of a good thing can be a … Read more

Does Your Team Need Couples Counseling?

Couples therapy can help work relationships

As a manager, we know that the key to our success is the ability to get along with the members of our team. It turns out that things go a bit deeper than that. In order for our team to be successful, everyone on the team has to get along with everyone else who is … Read more

Hey Manager – Could You Be Too Much Into This Team Thing?

Yes, collaboration is important, but could you be hurting your team?

Yea! It’s time to work on a team! How many times have you heard someone say this to you? As managers of a team, we are expected use our manager skills to lead by example and so we are the ones who are supposed to be able to show our team what it means to … Read more

How Managers Can Achieve A Sense Of Calm

Managers are starting to embrace meditation to reduce stress and boost productivity

Let’s face it: being a manager can be a very stressful job. People are always asking us for things and we are trying to do our best to use our manager skills to manage our team. If we are not careful, the stress associated with the job can become so much that it starts to … Read more

What Managers Need To Do Before They Quit

What should a manager do if they don’t like their job?

So what’s the worst thing that could happen to you as a manager? The list of things could be quite long, but I think that we could all agree that finding yourself trapped in a job that you don’t like would have to be close to the top of the list. We can probably make … Read more

IT Managers Need To Know All About Stress

Being an IT manager is not an easy thing to do. There are many different people asking us to do things for them and there never seems to be enough time in the day to get everything done. What happens to us is that as we make our way through the day, our stress level … Read more

IT Managers And The Art Of Relaxing

As an IT manager, you are in charge using your IT manager skills to manage a set of skilled IT professionals. This group of people can contain members who are, how shall we say it, “wound tightly”. What this means is that at times they can become very stressed out. As their manager, it is … Read more