How Managers Can Get People To Pay Attention In Meetings

Digital devices can be a distraction during any meeting

One of the key manager skills that we need to have is the ability to communicate with our team. There are a number of different ways that we can go about doing this. When we have something that we need to share with a group of teammates, the way that we most often go about … Read more

How Managers Can Get Over Their Addiction To Email

Managers need to learn how to not allow their email to control how they spend their time

As managers, a great deal of each day is taken up with dealing with email. No matter if it is sorting through all of the new email that has arrived since we last took a look at it or it is crafting the perfect response to that email that we just got, all of this … Read more

How Managers Can Protect Their Company from a Cyberattack

Managers need tips on how to keep their company and team safe

Every manager knows that technology offers many business benefits, from driving productivity to transforming operations to optimizing workflows. However, there is a dark side also. Technology can open up a company to cyberattacks — a threat that, in most cases, companies are not equipped to handle. So who’s most at risk? Small and midsize businesses. … Read more

How Managers Can Bridge The Instant Messaging Generation Gap

Managers have to help their older workers keep up with changes in communication

How the members of your team communicate with each other is changing. There is a new wave of instant messaging applications that is in the process of changing how the members of your team communicate with each other. This change may be causing the older members of your team to scramble in order to keep … Read more

Managers Need To Learn How Best To Use Email

Managers need to learn how to tame their email

Ah, email. What a powerful tool. What an utter nightmare! Managers probably use email so often that they no longer really spend that much time thinking about it or developing manager skills to use it wisely. However, that may be a mistake. What we forget is that email is a tool and if we can … Read more

How Managers Can Get More Done By Doing Less

By trying to do too much, managers get too little done

How’s that manager job going for you? Are you finding that you can use your manager skills to have enough time to get all of the things that you need to get done, done? If you are like most of us, the answer is no. You go into the office each day with a well … Read more

How IT Managers Can Deal With The Tragedy Of Unreturned Emails

I think that it would probably be safe to say that despite the arrival of social media tools, email is still the #1 tool that IT managers use to both get and distribute information. Email has so many different things working in its favor: everyone has an email address so everyone can be reached, we … Read more