Should Managers Be Using Emojis At Work?

It turns out that Emojis are the key to clear and concise communication

So can we talk about email? It’s a key part of our life and it seems like we spend a great deal of time each day using our manager skills to read emails that have been sent to us and composing emails to send to others. However, email has always had a problem. It turns … Read more

Managers Need To Work To Deepen Their Emotional Intelligence

Managers need to find ways to boost their emotional intelligence

The world of management is filled with a number of different buzz words. One such word that we’ve been hearing for a while is “emotional intelligence”. The reason that managers should start to pay attention to this topic is because evidence is showing that emotional intelligence plays a big role in workplace performance if we … Read more

How IT Managers Can Do A Good Job Of Delivering Bad News

Let’s face it, as IT Managers we’d all like to be liked. We enjoy the parts of our job that are fun. It makes us happy when another large IT project is successfully rolled out. However, life is life and part of our job is that when there is bad news to be delivered, we’re … Read more

Should IT Managers Become More Empathetic?

As an IT manager, you are responsible for a team of IT professionals. This means that it’s your job to hire the right people, provide them with an overall sense of direction, provide them with specific tasks to accomplish, and to use your IT manager skills to ensure that the work gets done along with … Read more

Is It Important For An IT Manager To Be Good At Telling Stories?

As an IT manager, it’s your job to lead your team. This leadership thing has always been just a bit fuzzy for most of us – just exactly how are we supposed to go about doing it? I’m more than willing to admit that there is a lot to having the IT manager skills that … Read more

IT Managers Have A Time Problem

I’m pretty sure that we can all agree that being an IT manager in a modern workplace is a tough job. Trying to stay on top of technology that is always changing, manage a team of skilled professionals, and take care of your career takes all of your IT manager skills and is much more … Read more

Dealing With The Aftermath Of A Layoff

I have a number of friends who are IT managers at Verizon. The other day Verizon announced that they were going to go through a round of layoffs and they were going to be targeting 6,000 current employees. You can only imagine the level of chaos that this caused. It does bring up an interesting … Read more