Managers Need To Learn How To Move Slower

Is it possible that slowing down may help you to be more successful?

As managers we always want to find ways to use our manager skills to get more things done. Our to-do lists just seem to keep getting longer and people are always asking us to accomplish more things in less time. Our bosses are willing to send us to manager training where we’ll learn how to … Read more

What Do Managers Have To Do In Order To Become A Great Team Leader?

Four key areas to focus on to help you become a stronger leader

Let’s face it, the job of a manager is very much both team- and direction-focused. Managers are the ones who need to use their manager skills to set the course, ensure consistency and develop and reinforce core values for their teams. After you get that part of the job taken care of things become considerably … Read more

Should You Devote One Day Per Month To Innovation?

I’m pretty sure that by now your management has more than once asked you to get your team to be more innovative. I’m pretty sure that we’re all on board here, I mean who wouldn’t want to have the IT manager skills that would allow your team to come up with better ideas? However, the … Read more

4 Steps For Hiring The Right People – Every Time

As an IT manager, one of your most important jobs is to hire the right people to join your IT team. The ability to do this correctly is one of our critical IT manager skills, but too few of us have ever received any IT manager training on how to do it correctly. IT managers … Read more