Managers Need To Learn How To Move Slower

Is it possible that slowing down may help you to be more successful?

As managers we always want to find ways to use our manager skills to get more things done. Our to-do lists just seem to keep getting longer and people are always asking us to accomplish more things in less time. Our bosses are willing to send us to manager training where we’ll learn how to … Read more

What Does A Manager Have To Do After You Are Promoted?

Getting promoted is only the beginning

What is it that every manager is hoping for? Why it is to use your manager skills to be promoted, of course. When that special day comes, are you going to be ready? You’ll get a new job title, perhaps more money, maybe even a new office. However, it’s not going to be long before … Read more

The 2 Secrets Weapons That Every IT Manager Has

IT managers are always searching for the “silver bullet” of IT manager skills that will transform them from average managers into super managers. You know, the ones that their IT team adores and would follow across burning coals if that’s what they asked them to do. It turns out that you already have what it … Read more