How Managers Should Handle Criticism

We will all receive criticism, it how we handle it that matters

So I’ve got a quick question for you: are you perfect? No? Well good news – I’m not perfect either. What this means is that both of us will, at times, make mistakes no matter how good our manager skills are. When we do that, others are going to see what we’ve done and they … Read more

5 Things That Managers Can Do For Their Team

These are the things that you need to do if you want to be remembered as a good manager

As a manager, what is your legacy going to be? Do you want to be remembered as being a good manager or as a bad manager? The best managers are remembered for what they did for their team, the bad ones are remembered for what they did to their team. Using your manager skills to … Read more

Some Managers Thrive On Negative Feedback

Some managers like to get negative feedback

If I had to guess what kind of feedback you like to get, I’d be willing that just like the rest of us you like positive feedback about your manager skills the best. However, somewhat surprisingly it turns out that there is a type of manager who likes a different type of feedback. Negative feedback. … Read more

IT Managers Understand How Important HR Is To Building A Successful Team

If I was to ask you what it takes to make a really great team, what would your answer be? Lots of ping pong tables? Probably not. What makes people want to both join and then stay with your team is something that is much more difficult to create: workplace culture. You need to understand … Read more

What To Do When You Don’t Get The Job

As an IT manager you go to work every day, you do the best job possible using the IT manager skills that you have, and you hope that your boss notices the good work that you are doing. We all hope that when a more senior position in our company opens up, because of the … Read more

Tips From Google On How To Be A Better IT Manager

Yea! You are an IT manager. This is a great position to reach in your career, but now what? We all want to become better at what we do and improve our IT manager skills, but just exactly how to make that happen can be quite confusing. If only there was some wise person who … Read more

Is Tough Talking The New Correct Way To Communicate?

When you are at the office, how do you interact with people? I suspect that in your office there are smart people, dumb people, nice people, and not so nice people. You probably grin and bear it – you try to treat everyone the same way and you try to be nice to everyone. What … Read more