Four Things That Google Learned About Managers

The best managers practice these four habits

We all know who Google is, right? Well it turns out that they like data and they like processing data. What this means for managers is that Google spends their time collecting data about how managers are using their manager skills to manage their teams and then they process that data. They used to think … Read more

Good Managers Know About The Power Of Failure

Managers know that failures are not to be hidden

Becoming a successful manager is a difficult enough thing to accomplish. So why would we want to jeopardize it once we achieve it? But research says we unwittingly do just that when we withhold or try to bury one thing about ourselves in particular – our failures. Yes, you heard me correctly – we’re supposed … Read more

What Should A Manager Do When Your Peers Are Doing Better Than You?

Not being first can be a difficult thing to deal with

So here’s something that can be difficult for us to deal with: what do you do when you are not #1? At work, I’m hoping, we all try hard to use our manager skills and do our best. However, there will be times that the people that we are working with, our peers, just simply … Read more

Does Where A Manager Sit Affect Their Career?

Finally, there may be something to like about open office arrangements!

As is the case with all managers, there are probably some manager skills that you do very well and other things that you’d like to learn how to do better. The big question that we always face is how can we get the manager training to become better at the things that we don’t currently … Read more

IT Managers Need To Know All About Stress

Being an IT manager is not an easy thing to do. There are many different people asking us to do things for them and there never seems to be enough time in the day to get everything done. What happens to us is that as we make our way through the day, our stress level … Read more

IT Managers Need To Understand That Reviews Come With Risks

As an IT manager, one of your jobs is to evaluate the performance of your team. How you go about doing this, what IT manager skills you need to use, and how often you do it have been the subject of much debate over the past few years. However, I think that we can all … Read more

IT Managers Need To Know: When Is A Fight More Than A Fight?

Let’s face it: not everyone on your team is always going to get along with everyone else on their team. As an IT manager it is your job to keep an eye on things and to make sure that things don’t get out of hand. However, you can’t be everywhere all the time. What this … Read more

How Should An IT Manager Say “Thanks”?

In the movie Dune the good guys come up with a sonic weapon called a Weirding Module that allows them to transform their spoken word into a powerful weapon. It turns out that among the IT manager skills that we have, we have powerful words at our command that if we know about them we … Read more

There Is No Such Thing As A Perfect IT Manager – Or Perfect IT Team

One of the biggest challenges that any IT manager faces no matter how much IT manager training they’ve had is to determine just exactly how much they should expect from their team. They don’t want to be seen as being a “hands off” manager who just lets the team do whatever they want to do; … Read more