Rules For Managers When They Are Interviewing Candidates

Managers want to make sure that they don't show poor behavior

I’m pretty sure that most of us have spent some time learning how to interview candidates to join our team. However, there is one area that our manager skills may not have covered: how to follow up after an interview well. In fact, very few of us probably have any manager skills when it comes … Read more

3 Things Managers Need To Be Aware Of When Hiring

Your goal is to make sure that people fit into the company's culture

There are a lot of parts of being a manager that are tough. One of the most challenging is when it comes time for us to hire someone to join our team. The world is filled with a lot of people and there will probably be many who want to get a job at your … Read more

How Managers Can Get Candidates To Stop Turning Down Job Offers

Managers need to understand why candidates are turning job offers down

As a manager, one of the most important things that we are tasked with doing is using our manager skills to make sure that our teams are fully staffed. In order to do this, we have to perform a set of tasks: interview candidates, select the ones that best meet our needs, make an offer, … Read more

Has Hiring Become Broken At Your Company?

As a manager, you need to do a better job of hiring than everyone else

As managers we know that staffing our teams with the best people for the job is a critical part of creating teams that can accomplish great things. However, all too often when you take a look at how a company is going about hiring people, you’ll discover that somehow the process has become broken. Lots … Read more

What Makes Someone A Good Fit For Your Team: Chemistry

As IT managers, it is our responsibility to use our IT manager skills to build the best team that we possibly can. We’re going to be asking a lot from our team in terms of being able to deliver complex projects quickly and efficiently. This means that the people we invite to become members of … Read more

3 Ways That IT Managers Can Do A Better Job Of Hiring The Right Person

IT Managers realize that your success rests firmly on the shoulders of those people who are on your team. What this means is that the process of hiring someone is one of your a critical IT manager skills. Hire the right person and you’ll move forward, hire the wrong person and you may stumble or … Read more

4 Steps For Hiring The Right People – Every Time

As an IT manager, one of your most important jobs is to hire the right people to join your IT team. The ability to do this correctly is one of our critical IT manager skills, but too few of us have ever received any IT manager training on how to do it correctly. IT managers … Read more

How An IT Assessment Can Help An IT Manager To Be Successful

Just imagine if I picked you up and dropped you into a workplace that you had never been in before. What would the first thing that you’d do as an IT manager be? I’m willing that you’d want to collect as much information about the situation that you had found yourself in as possible – … Read more