Managers Have To Learn How To Deal With People Who Don’t Like Change

Managers need to understand that some workers can't deal with change

So just exactly how much change is there in your life right now? If you are like most of us you’d probably say that there is a lot of change going on. What this means is that there is probably a lot of change going on for your team also. What managers need to understand … Read more

How Managers Deal With Reorganizations

Change happens, will you be ready to deal with it?

As though the job of being a manager was not tough enough, it turns out that there is something that can make it just a bit more challenging: change. You know what I’m talking about here. Every so often your company gets the good idea that they could become more effective if they reorganized. Arggg! … Read more

The Millennial Workplace Is Coming – Will Managers Be Ready?

The workplace is changing, will you know how to handle it?

As all managers have probably realized by now, the millennials have arrived. That younger generation of workers are moving into the office at the same time that the baby boomers are starting to move out. The arrival in force of this new type of worker is going to cause some fundamental changes to occur in … Read more

How Managers Can Create Innovative Teams

Managers need to know how to transform their teams into innovation engines

As managers we are always looking for ways to use our manager skills to get more out of our teams. What we’ve been told is that we can do this if we can come up with a way to boost their innovation. It may sound easy, but it isn’t. What managers need to do is … Read more