Video: Are Boy Or Girl IT Leaders Better At Multitasking?

Dr. Jim Anderson takes a look at just exactly who is better at multitasking: men or women IT managers. Dr. Anderson explains how some long-held beliefs have been found to be flat-out wrong. He also goes on to finally reveal if any of us are really good at multitasking. To get more information on how … Read more

IT Manager Training Workshop Now Available For You!

Blue Elephant Consulting is pleased to announce a new training partnership with OakTree Software. The two firms have teamed up to offer a two-day workshop for IT managers. For the first time, management training that was previously only available to Fortune 100 companies will now be made available to any manager or supervisor who needs … Read more

How Come You Don’t Know What Your IT Dream Job Is?

Stop. I know that your normal day-to-day is crazy, you are overworked, underpaid and nobody really appreciates all of the fine things that you do. I get all that. My question for you is do you have any idea why you are doing what you are doing? What are you really working towards? If you … Read more

IT Leaders Deal With The Three D’s: Death, Divorce, and Disease

Bad things happen. Sometimes they are not all that bad – key employees leaving for example is bad, but not really all that “bad”. However, sometimes things really are bad: staff die or become seriously ill for long periods of time. What’s your plan for when this happens? What’s that, you don’t have a plan? … Read more

The Answer Is 9, But Do You Know What The Question Is?

What is it going to take for you to get promoted? What set of skills as an IT Leader do you need to develop in order to have any chance at moving up to the next level? If you don’t know what you need to know, then how is that promotion going to happen? It … Read more

It Takes A Village To Innovate Like An IT Department

So IT Leader, what are you going to do about boosting the innovation within your team? Your hands are tied when it comes to giving out raises – not that money really helps innovation. You don’t have any spots to offer promotions into because the company has adopted a “flat” organizational structure. Oh, and all … Read more

Are You Cut Out To Be An IT Leader?

  Jeff Vance over at Sandstorm Media talked with me to get some inputs for an article that he was writing for the Project Manager Planet site. Yeah, yeah – I know that we’re IT Leaders not Project Managers. However, Jeff did a very good job of capturing a lot of what makes our job … Read more

Staffing Diversity Challenges IT Leaders

They say that the world is becoming a smaller place – I think that they just might be right. IT Leaders are starting to realize that coming up with ways to staff their teams so that they are diverse is quickly moving from being a political nicety to now becoming a business necessity. Does anyone … Read more

Recruiting Is Something That IT Leaders Need To Start Thinking About Again

It’s starting to look like the economic winter just might be getting ready to thaw. Once this happens, IT Leaders realize that they’re going to have a massive task added to their already overloaded plate – recruitment. During the economic downturn IT workers were staying put because they didn’t know what was going to happen … Read more

Making Changes To Your IT Department – 8 Things An IT Leader Should Know

Have you ever heard the phrase “When senior management doesn’t know what to do, they reorganize”? I’m not sure if this is always true, but it sure seems as though when times are tough reorganizations, restructuring, and even re-engineering are things that can happen to any department in IT. What’s an IT Leader to do … Read more