What Supervisory Skills Does An IT Manager Need To Have?

Being an IT manager is all about knowing a lot about IT stuff, right? Well, no – as an IT manager your real job is to get the most out of your IT team. In order to make this happen you are going to have to have good IT manager skills. The most important of … Read more

How Come You Don’t Know What Your IT Dream Job Is?

Stop. I know that your normal day-to-day is crazy, you are overworked, underpaid and nobody really appreciates all of the fine things that you do. I get all that. My question for you is do you have any idea why you are doing what you are doing? What are you really working towards? If you … Read more

Why Are There So Few Women In IT?

Oh, oh – this is the kind of blog posting that can cause all sorts of folks to get angry. Before you build up a big head of steam and get ready to fire off an angry “women are just as capable as men” letter to me, wait just a minute. The question that we’re … Read more