How Managers Can Create Innovative Teams

Managers need to know how to transform their teams into innovation engines

As managers we are always looking for ways to use our manager skills to get more out of our teams. What we’ve been told is that we can do this if we can come up with a way to boost their innovation. It may sound easy, but it isn’t. What managers need to do is … Read more

How Should Managers Be Practicing Transparency?

Trust starts with being transparent

The goal of every manager is to become a respected manager. This is a fine goal to have, but just exactly how can we make this happen? It turns out that one important step in getting your team to respect you is for you to make the practice of transparency important. Why should you bother … Read more

What Does A Manager Have To Do After You Are Promoted?

Getting promoted is only the beginning

What is it that every manager is hoping for? Why it is to use your manager skills to be promoted, of course. When that special day comes, are you going to be ready? You’ll get a new job title, perhaps more money, maybe even a new office. However, it’s not going to be long before … Read more

What The U.S. Army Can Teach Managers About Becoming Better

The goal is to do what you set out to do and do it better each time you do it

Ok, so I’m willing to admit it – I’m not perfect. Yes, I am always working to try to become perfect, but so far I have not been able to even get close to that goal. Most managers would say that they are in the same boat as me. It’s a bit depressing to set … Read more

Managers Need To Teach Their Workers How To Be Followers, Not Leaders

In most workplaces we’ve been using our IT manager skills to work with the members of our teams in order turn them into the leaders that we know that they can be. However, what this has created is a workplace that is filled with leaders (and leader wanna-bes). What is missing is followers – someone … Read more

How IT Managers Deal With The “N” Word – “Nepotism”

Just exactly how did you get your IT manager job? Did you get it because you worked hard and you showed the powers that be that you had IT manager skills and just how good of a leader you could be so that they promoted you? Or did you get promoted because of who you … Read more