Managers Who Want To Make Good Decisions Need To Be Self-Aware
: Managers who want to get better at making decisions need to learn how and when they should trust their intuition
The Premier Blog For Learning How To Attract. Motivate, And Retain Top IT Staff
: Managers who want to get better at making decisions need to learn how and when they should trust their intuition
: Managers that discover that their team has a jerk on it need to take steps to fix the issue
As a manager you have a number of different tasks that you are responsible for using your manager skills to accomplish. You have to attract the right talent to join your team. This is easy because we have manager training that shows us how to do it. Once you do this, you have to find … Read more
Managers who want to get the most out of their team need to take the time and create a creative work environment
As a manager, what is your legacy going to be? Do you want to be remembered as being a good manager or as a bad manager? The best managers are remembered for what they did for their team, the bad ones are remembered for what they did to their team. Using your manager skills to … Read more
So here’s an important question for managers: how much of your week do you spend in meetings? I suspect that the answer is probably “A lot.” Too often back-to-back meetings are becoming the norm throughout the business world, leaving everyone frazzled and farther behind at the end of each day. We need to ask ourselves … Read more
As a manager you need to remember that celebrating our achievements is important for every team. Joyfully acknowledging milestones gives credit to the hard work done by the team, provides motivation for reaching goals, and rewards everyone for a job well done. Nowhere is this truer than where we work. Managers need to realize that … Read more
During this time of pandemic, managers need to understand what their team members are going through and take steps to provide them with the support that they need
Managers have to be good at dealing with change. We need to adjust to new working circumstances and we need to help our teams deal with change
Even in these trying times managers have to find ways to keep their team’s morale up as we all work remotely