Do IT Managers Really Need Artificial Intelligence?

Pick up just about any trade rag these days and you are going to run into a story talking about the fantastic new things that are going to be possible very soon because of the arrival of new artificial intelligence technology. There are all sorts of startup firms out there that are raising a lot … Read more

How Much Time Is Your Team Spending On Facebook?

As an IT manager you are responsible for using your IT manager skills to make sure that your team is able to accomplish the tasks that have been assigned to them. What this means for you is that you need to use your IT manager training to create a workplace atmosphere that is going to … Read more

How IT Managers Can Stop Their Team From Wasting Time Online

Ok, so I’m willing to confess to this crime. I really like the website Reddit and, if left to my own devices, there is a good chance that I could spend way too much time during a day exploring the various nooks and subreddits on this site. As an IT manager, you are probably facing … Read more

How IT Managers Can Reduce The Number Of Emails That They Receive

Do you remember the last time that you went on a vacation? I’m willing to bet that just like your IT manager training taught you, you configured your email to tell everyone that you’d be out of the office for a while and they really should not send you any emails. However, despite doing that … Read more

Could Your Personal Gender Bias Be Playing A Role In How You Evaluate People On Your IT Team?

If I asked you if you had any bias, I’m pretty sure that you’d think for a moment and then say that no, to the best of your knowledge you are basically an unbiased person. This is good news, but unfortunately you are probably incorrect. It turns out that despite all of our IT manager … Read more

Why Venting Is The Wrong Way To Deal With Workplace Anger

So here’s an interesting question for you: have you ever become angry at work? If you’ve been working for any length of time, the answer to this question has to be “yes” – we all have. Now comes the much bigger question: what did you do about it? It turns out that there are right … Read more

IT Managers Know The Power Of Face-To-Face Meetings

Managing a team is not an easy thing to do even if you have the required IT manager skills. If you add in the challenges of the modern IT work environment, it gets even harder to do no matter how much IT manager training you have had. All of the members of our team may … Read more

What An IT Manager Should Do If An Employee Becomes An Online Star

Hello IT manager. I’ve got a quick question for you: who is more famous, you or the members of your team? Most of the time we’d say that we’re more famous, I mean after all we’re managers with IT manager skills and the members of our team are just front line workers. However, now that … Read more

Do You Know What Your Team Is Telling The World?

Would it be fair to say that what your IT team is working on is top secret? In most cases the answer to this question would be probably be no. However, the companies that your company competes with would probably like to know what your team is doing and what business problems you are trying … Read more

IT Managers Need To Know: Is There Such A Thing As Safe Social Networking?

Congratulations IT Manager: the world that you are operating in has become a lot more complex lately. What this means for you is that you’re going to have to determine what the new rules are for being successful in this world are and how to maximize the importance of information technology for your IT team. … Read more