How To Prepare For Long, Complicated Meetings

Some big, messy meetings are a requirement

As managers, our manager training has taught us a thing or two about how to run successful meetings. We know that we need to keep them short, tightly focused, and limit the number of people that we permit to attend. Our goal is to avoid having to attend those time wasting events that seem to … Read more

Getting Along With The Boss: How To

You need to understand the rules of engagement with your boss

As a manager you are in charge of a team of people who have to do what you tell them to do. However, at the same time you work for a boss who can tell you what to do. What this means for you (and your career) is that you’d like to be able to … Read more

What Managers Need To Do Before They Quit

What should a manager do if they don’t like their job?

So what’s the worst thing that could happen to you as a manager? The list of things could be quite long, but I think that we could all agree that finding yourself trapped in a job that you don’t like would have to be close to the top of the list. We can probably make … Read more

Managers Need To Learn How To Tell The Hard Truth At Work

Managers have to make sure that people know that they want bad news

Just exactly how comfortable are you telling your boss or the people that you work with exactly what you think about them or their ideas? Honesty is very important to helping teams operate correctly, but it sure is hard to find the manager skills needed to do it right. Teams need candor from their employees, … Read more

Do IT Managers Really Need Artificial Intelligence?

Pick up just about any trade rag these days and you are going to run into a story talking about the fantastic new things that are going to be possible very soon because of the arrival of new artificial intelligence technology. There are all sorts of startup firms out there that are raising a lot … Read more

Tips From Google On How To Be A Better IT Manager

Yea! You are an IT manager. This is a great position to reach in your career, but now what? We all want to become better at what we do and improve our IT manager skills, but just exactly how to make that happen can be quite confusing. If only there was some wise person who … Read more

IT Manager Breakthroughs: The Power Of A Peer Culture

So where should creativity live in an IT department? We use creativity to solve problems, create designs, and to determine what projects to pursue. IT Managers need to be the ones who have creative control within the IT department in order to ensure that projects get done correctly. However, this is often easier said than … Read more

What Can Cool Design Firms Teach IT Managers?

Each and every IT manager has problems. These problems run from the simple (“How can I meet that deadline”) to the more complex (“These people don’t like each other, how can I get them to work as a team?”). Sometimes we run into problems that despite our deep belief in ourselves, we just don’t seem … Read more