How Managers Can Make One-On-One Meetings More Valuable

Our goal has to be to make each meeting more meaningful

As a manager, one of your most important manager skills is meeting with the members of your team. These meetings take place for a wide number of different reasons. We may be handing out new assignments, we may want an update on an ongoing project, or we may be having problems with a team member’s … Read more

Managers Need To Know How To Write Effective Job Postings

Managers have to make changes to how they describe open positions

If you are a manager and you have an opening on your team, what do you do? If you are like most of us your HR department is going to come to you and ask that you create a job description so that they can go post it and see who applies for it. This … Read more

What To Do When That New Job Is Not What You Thought It Would Be

A new job may turn out to be different from what you expected

Ah, a new job! When we take a new job we’re doing so because a lot of promises have been made to us. We may have been told that we’ll have a fancy title and they’ve promised us a lot of pay. We’ve been told that we’re being placed in a position of power and … Read more

What Managers Need To Do Before They Quit

What should a manager do if they don’t like their job?

So what’s the worst thing that could happen to you as a manager? The list of things could be quite long, but I think that we could all agree that finding yourself trapped in a job that you don’t like would have to be close to the top of the list. We can probably make … Read more

Are IT Managers Avoiding Doing What They Should Be Doing?

I’m pretty sure that we can all agree that we don’t know everything. However, if we had the chance to learn some new information, would we jump at the opportunity? Somewhat surprisingly, the answer is often “no”. IT managers can have a nasty habit of not wanting to learn something that they think is going … Read more

The Two Things That It Takes To Be A Great IT Manager

With a little luck, we all enjoy being an IT manager. Unlike back in the days when we were simply rank-and-file workers in the IT department, now that we are managers we get to control things. We are in charge of a team of IT professionals and it’s our responsibility to use our IT manager … Read more

Out Of The Gate: What Should A New IT Manager Do?

Someone who has just been promoted into the role of an IT manager (or an IT manager who has just joined a new company) will find himself or herself in a unique role. They have to very quickly get a “lay of the land” and determine just exactly what the company needs them to do. … Read more

Only An IT Manager Could Screw Up A Job Change!

The global economy is roaring back again and it sure seems like everyone is starting to take stock of their job and decide if they want to stay where they are or move on to greener pastures. IT managers are no exception. Perhaps you’ve grown as far as you can or perhaps you feel that … Read more