How IT Managers Can Deal With Bad Bosses

In a perfect world, we’d all work for the best boss ever. They would provide us with the support and resources that we needed to do our job and they’d always have time to talk with us about whatever happened to be on our minds. The reality of the world is that all too often … Read more

Out Of The Gate: What Should A New IT Manager Do?

Someone who has just been promoted into the role of an IT manager (or an IT manager who has just joined a new company) will find himself or herself in a unique role. They have to very quickly get a “lay of the land” and determine just exactly what the company needs them to do. … Read more

IT Managers Who Care Know How To Do A Sensitivity Analysis

How good of a guesser are you? I thought so – you’re not perfect are you? This may not matter that much on a day-to-day basis, but it can matter a great deal when it comes to setting up a budget for your IT team. If the assumptions that you made were wrong, then all … Read more

IT Managers Need To Learn How To Avoid A Crisis Before It Happens

You’d think that to be a good IT manager all that you’d have to be good at is managing people and understanding technology. Most of the time you’d be correct; however, it’s the times when this isn’t the case that far too many IT managers drop the ball. Let’s face it, crisis happen. We’d all … Read more