How Should Boys And Girls Interact In The Workplace?

The rules have changed, do you know how to play together?

Just in case you had not noticed it, the world has changed. Sexual harassment has been going on in the workplace for a long time and thanks to the #MeToo movement it’s been brought out into the light. There is currently a big uproar going on with new allegations of improper workplace behavior being announced … Read more

How IT Managers Can Deal With Bad Bosses

In a perfect world, we’d all work for the best boss ever. They would provide us with the support and resources that we needed to do our job and they’d always have time to talk with us about whatever happened to be on our minds. The reality of the world is that all too often … Read more

Why Mentors Are So Important For IT Managers And How To Get Them

When you become an IT manager, the reason that you’ve been able to achieve this position is because you know everything that you’ll ever have to know, right? You’ll never make a mistake again and every decision that you’ll make will be the right decision. Correct? I’m betting that you are probably shaking your head … Read more

The Answer Is 9, But Do You Know What The Question Is?

What is it going to take for you to get promoted? What set of skills as an IT Leader do you need to develop in order to have any chance at moving up to the next level? If you don’t know what you need to know, then how is that promotion going to happen? It … Read more

5 Steps To Help An IT Manager Find A Mentor

Mentoring is sorta like that networking thing. You know that it’s probably a good thing to be doing. However, you’re not quite sure how to get started with it and so it seems to always end up on your “should do” list where, of course, it never gets done. Whenever you read about someone’s success … Read more