How Can Managers Both Attract And Then Retain The Best Workers?
Managers need to realize that they have two important jobs to master: attracting top talent to their teams and then finding out how to get them to stay
The Premier Blog For Learning How To Attract. Motivate, And Retain Top IT Staff
Managers need to realize that they have two important jobs to master: attracting top talent to their teams and then finding out how to get them to stay
Managers who are interviewing for a job need to come prepared after having done their homework and have good questions to ask
We all know who Google is, right? Well it turns out that they like data and they like processing data. What this means for managers is that Google spends their time collecting data about how managers are using their manager skills to manage their teams and then they process that data. They used to think … Read more
When a manager is looking to use their manager skills to add someone to their team, what are the qualities that we should be looking for? Sure, we often go looking for a future team member who will be driven, aggressive, and focused on reaching their goals. However, is it possible that we’ve been getting … Read more
Congratulations to you! You’ve just been promoted! Finally all of that great work (and the great work of your team) along with your manager skills have been recognized. Umm, now what should you be doing? The world that you used to know has gone away. You are now in a new position and the people … Read more
There’s no question that Michael Jordan was a great basketball player; however, managers want to know how he got such great performance out of his team
Becoming a successful manager is a difficult enough thing to accomplish. So why would we want to jeopardize it once we achieve it? But research says we unwittingly do just that when we withhold or try to bury one thing about ourselves in particular – our failures. Yes, you heard me correctly – we’re supposed … Read more
As managers, where we work will probably play a big role in how we develop our manager skills. If we could all choose where we worked, I’m pretty sure that a lot of us would all agree that working for Google would probably be a good choice. Once upon a time Google was a small … Read more
As a manager, your goal at work is to get ahead. You want to be seen as a star performer who gets things done. You want your work to be viewed as being of the highest quality and you want your management to come looking for you when they have a slot open up for … Read more
How’s that manager job going for you? Are you finding that you can use your manager skills to have enough time to get all of the things that you need to get done, done? If you are like most of us, the answer is no. You go into the office each day with a well … Read more