Managers Need To Learn How To Compete For Their Next Promotion

Managers need to deal with co-workers who are their top competition

As a manager, it turns out that finding ways to get the most out of your team is not the only thing that you have to use your manager skills to do when you are at work. Every day when you go into work you are really riding off to battle. It turns out that … Read more

Managers Need To Know: What Do The Kids Want?

It turns out that benefits and perks are what millennials are looking for

Managers are faced with a number of different challenges as they attempt to perform their job. All of this is made even more difficult by the simple fact that not everyone on your team is the same. Sprinkled in our teams are the so-called millennial younger workers who have a different outlook on life than … Read more

How Managers Can Get More Done By Doing Less

By trying to do too much, managers get too little done

How’s that manager job going for you? Are you finding that you can use your manager skills to have enough time to get all of the things that you need to get done, done? If you are like most of us, the answer is no. You go into the office each day with a well … Read more

How To Get Ahead When Dealing With Aggressive Colleagues

A little competition in the workplace can’t be a bad thing, can it? Generally speaking, no; however, as with all such things in life there are some exceptions. One such exception is when you find yourself facing a hypercompetitive coworker. You know who I’m talking about: it’s that person in your office who wants to … Read more

What Can Top Athletes Teach You About Being A Better IT Leader?

So we all know that Tiger Woods is a fantastic golfer. However, do you think that he’d be any good at running an IT department? The answer, somewhat surprisingly, is that yes, he probably would do a good job. The reason is that there is a lot of similarity between being an excellent athlete and … Read more

How To Protect Your IT Career From Sabotage

They really are out to get you, you know. All those schemers who want your job, your promotion, your bonus are even as you read this sitting at their desk scheming how best to make you look bad, take credit for your work, or even how to get you fired. In this down economy, those … Read more

What Is An IT Leader To Do When Winning Is EVERYTHING?

So here’s an interesting issue that I’m sure that most CIO’s and IT managers would love to have: how best to mange over-the-top “A-Type” personalities? Hey, we all know folks like this (put that mirror down!) These are the people in our company / department / team for which winning can become more important then … Read more

But I Don’t WANT To Work With You!

In the April edition of the Communications of the ACM, Peter Dennine and Peter Yaholkovsky discuss an interesting topic: just how do you get a group of people to stop thinking about “me” and start thinking about “we”? They are talking in broad generalities; however, it did get me thinking about how this can be … Read more