Managers Need To Know: What Do The Kids Want?

It turns out that benefits and perks are what millennials are looking for

Managers are faced with a number of different challenges as they attempt to perform their job. All of this is made even more difficult by the simple fact that not everyone on your team is the same. Sprinkled in our teams are the so-called millennial younger workers who have a different outlook on life than … Read more

Does It Really Matter How Much People Like You?

Forget all that Facebook “like” stuff, there is a much bigger question that you need to be able to answer. Just how likeable are you in real life? You might shrug that question off and say that it doesn’t really matter, it’s what you can use your IT manager skills to accomplish that matters, but … Read more

It Turns Out That Likeability Does Matter For IT Managers

If I asked you what the most important characteristic of a successful IT manager was, what you tell me? I’m sure that some of you would think about your IT manager skills and then say “good decision making”, others would say “budgeting”, and so on. It turns out that you would all be wrong. It … Read more

How An IT Manager Does Marketing

When you decided that you wanted to go into IT, I’m willing to bet that you thought that this meant that you had closed the door on a career in what are traditionally called the business fields: sales and marketing. Well guess what, that door isn’t really closed, it’s actually open just a bit. This … Read more

What’s In Your Business Skill Set IT Manager?

Have you ever given any thought to what it takes to be a really good IT manager? I mean sure, you got the job, but let’s take a step back for just a moment. Assuming that your company wasn’t just trying to fill an open position and you just happened to be available, what are … Read more

Tomorrow’s IT Managers Can Be Found Locally

Even in tough economic times, IT Leaders are still concerned about losing talent. Studies are showing that we are losing our IT Leaders at a much faster rate than new ones are being produced. On top of this, up to 30 million managers and leaders are going to become eligible to retire in the next … Read more