Managers Need To Know: What Do The Kids Want?

It turns out that benefits and perks are what millennials are looking for

Managers are faced with a number of different challenges as they attempt to perform their job. All of this is made even more difficult by the simple fact that not everyone on your team is the same. Sprinkled in our teams are the so-called millennial younger workers who have a different outlook on life than … Read more

What To Do When That New Job Is Not What You Thought It Would Be

A new job may turn out to be different from what you expected

Ah, a new job! When we take a new job we’re doing so because a lot of promises have been made to us. We may have been told that we’ll have a fancy title and they’ve promised us a lot of pay. We’ve been told that we’re being placed in a position of power and … Read more

Where Do IT Workers Come From And What Do They Look Like?

As an IT manager, you are responsible for having the IT manager skills needed to build the IT teams that will be able to solve your company’s toughest problems. However, do you know where to look for the people that you’ll want to add to your team? None of us have ever had any IT … Read more

What Does It Take To Provide An IT Manager With Job Satisfaction?

Here’s a quick question for you: how’s that IT manager job going? Is this the right job for you at the right time? Are you fully using all of your IT manager skills? Or have you found yourself stuck in a job that isn’t leading you to where you want to get to in your … Read more