How IT Managers Work With Their CIO

Congratulations IT Manager – you’ve been asked to make a presentation to your company’s CIO. Oh, oh. What are you going to have to do in order to make your career move forward due to this opportunity and not screw it up? What Does A CIO Of Directors Want From A IT Manager? Let’s make … Read more

IT Leaders Need To Know What Their Company’s Goals Are

As an IT leader you’ve got a lot to do. As though it wasn’t enough to stay on top of your staff keeping them happy, engaged, and productive, you are also constantly working to stay on top of all of that changing technology (can anyone say “new release”?) It turns out that you have an … Read more

Web 3.0 Is Coming – Are IT Leaders Ready?

Oh Web 2.0, it seems like only yesterday that you arrived – is it possible that already you may be getting ready to be replaced? The answer is not quite yet, but the outline of what the Web 3.0 is going to look like is starting to firm up. IT Leaders need to start getting … Read more

What Is An IT Leader To Do When Winning Is EVERYTHING?

So here’s an interesting issue that I’m sure that most CIO’s and IT managers would love to have: how best to mange over-the-top “A-Type” personalities? Hey, we all know folks like this (put that mirror down!) These are the people in our company / department / team for which winning can become more important then … Read more

IT Leaders Have Two Of These But Do They Use Them?

About a year ago I had a chance to sit down with a member of an IT team that was working for me in order to have a heart-to-heart with him. We’ll call him Tim. Tim was a project manager on one of my teams and so far he had been a steady performer. I’d … Read more

What’s Your CIO’s Top Priority For 2008?

We spend a lot of time talking about how to be a great IT leader; however, the one thing that we’ve skipped over (until now) has been how to “manage upward”. This convoluted phrase was invented because it got to be too tiresome to keep saying “what can I do to make sure that my … Read more