Are You Working For A Boss Who Is A Tornado?

Having a disruptive leader means you need to take special precautions

So the big question that I have for you is what kind of boss are you currently working for? Right now it is very trendy to be a disruptive leader. These types of bosses have a take-no-prisoners management style that can both ignite new trends within the company while at the same time crushing the … Read more

The Millennial Workplace Is Coming – Will Managers Be Ready?

The workplace is changing, will you know how to handle it?

As all managers have probably realized by now, the millennials have arrived. That younger generation of workers are moving into the office at the same time that the baby boomers are starting to move out. The arrival in force of this new type of worker is going to cause some fundamental changes to occur in … Read more

Hey Manager – Could You Be Too Much Into This Team Thing?

Yes, collaboration is important, but could you be hurting your team?

Yea! It’s time to work on a team! How many times have you heard someone say this to you? As managers of a team, we are expected use our manager skills to lead by example and so we are the ones who are supposed to be able to show our team what it means to … Read more

How Can Managers Get People To Work Together?

Collaboration by employees across departments is needed but difficult

More and more companies are starting to realize that if they want to get the most out of their employees, they are going to have to get employees from different departments to work together. It turns out that this can be difficult to do. How is a manager going to use their manager skills to … Read more

Working From Home May Become A Thing Of The Past

So manager, where are the members of your team? If you are like most managers, the answer to this question has a number of different answers. Some of your team members are probably in the office working just down the hall from you. However, other members may be working from home. It turns out that … Read more

Does It Make Sense To Grade Your Team Members?

As an IT manager, it’s your responsibility to stay on top of the quality of the employees that you have working on your team. In most teams this means that at least once a year you will have everyone engage in an evaluation process. During this process each team member will be ranked based on … Read more

Cloud Walking: 5 Ways To Make The Cloud Work For You

I’m guessing that the last thing in the world that you really need to be reading about right now is more “cloud” talk. The world of IT is experiencing a form of “cloud fever” in which every company seems to be talking about how they are going to use cloud computing to become more successful. … Read more

But I Don’t WANT To Work With You!

In the April edition of the Communications of the ACM, Peter Dennine and Peter Yaholkovsky discuss an interesting topic: just how do you get a group of people to stop thinking about “me” and start thinking about “we”? They are talking in broad generalities; however, it did get me thinking about how this can be … Read more