Managers Need To Learn How To Praise Their Team Members

It turns out that managers need to find a way to recognize efforts

When someone on your team does good work, what do you do? I’m hoping that the answer is that you take time out of your day and use your manager skills to praise them. If you can figure out how to do this the right way, then your praise can get them to work harder, … Read more

Can You Become A Better Manager By Doing Less?

Talent and hard work are not all that is required to get ahead

As a manager, your goal at work is to get ahead. You want to be seen as a star performer who gets things done. You want your work to be viewed as being of the highest quality and you want your management to come looking for you when they have a slot open up for … Read more

Can A Manager Recover From A Bad First Impression?

We are all familiar with the phrase “you only get one chance to make a first impression”. However, is that really true? I think that we all realize that if we make a mistake when we’re meeting someone for the first time, it can do damage to how they view us. The good news is … Read more

What’s The Right Way To Praise Members Of Your Team?

As a manager, you want to find ways to use your manager skills to motivate your team to accomplish even more. When somebody on your team does a good job, you want to find a way to let them know that you are pleased with what they’ve been able to accomplish. One of the best … Read more

Just Exactly How Much Does Your IT Team Believe In You?

As an IT manager, you know that in the future there will probably be tough times. It’s easy for your team to say that they support you when everything is going well. However, when the chips are down and you are experiencing tough times, would they still feel the same way? The answer is probably … Read more