How Managers Can Make One-On-One Meetings More Valuable

Our goal has to be to make each meeting more meaningful

As a manager, one of your most important manager skills is meeting with the members of your team. These meetings take place for a wide number of different reasons. We may be handing out new assignments, we may want an update on an ongoing project, or we may be having problems with a team member’s … Read more

The One Skill That All Managers Must Master

In order to be successful, managers need to learn how to focus

As a manager, you will always be asked to do more things. On top of what you have already signed up to do, people will drop by your cube, catch your arm in the hall, and corner you in meetings and will come up with additional things to add to the already full plate of … Read more

How IT Managers Can Deal With A Demanding Boss

Oh, oh, you’ve just discovered that you are now working for a demanding boss. More and more often despite your IT manager skills, you are finding yourself in a no-win situation. Your boss is assigning you projects that have due dates that are way too short. Or else your new boss is always trying to … Read more

How To Find Your Next IT Manager Job

I’m not sure how you feel about your current IT manager job, but I’m hoping that we can both agree about something: this is not going to be the last job that you ever have. What that means is that you need to be prepared to go find your next job. I’m hoping that this … Read more

Questions An IT Managers Should NOT Ask During A Performance Review

Until someone comes up with a better way to evaluate the performance of the members of our team, we are going to be faced with conducting annual performance reviews. The sad thing here is that we don’t look forward to doing them and the members of our team don’t look forward to participating in them. … Read more

When Doing Hiring, Would It Be Better To Be Blind?

Let’s face it: hiring the right person to join your team is a tough job. When we consider how long they may be with the company and the impact that they may have on the rest of the team, we really want to use our IT manager skills to get this decision right. Over the … Read more

IT Managers Want To Know: What Makes IT Teams Fail?

As an IT manager you are hoping you can use your IT manager skills in order to ensure that your team will be successful. That they’ll be able to complete the work assignments that you are given on time, under budget, and at a high quality. That’s a great goal; however, why is it that … Read more

The IT Manager’s Dilemma: Smart People Or Good Ideas?

When an IT manager is given an assignment to complete a project, who should he/she want to have on their team? Within the world of IT, there are many different types of people that you can choose from, but all too often it comes down choosing people who are as smart as (or less) that … Read more