Can Mobile Video Games Help IT Managers To Find The Right Employees?

Any time that we have an opening on our team, it becomes the responsibility of the IT manager to use our IT manager skills to evaluate candidates and pick the right one. However, it turns out that this can be much harder than it looks. Many candidates look fine during the interview process but turn … Read more

How To Find Your Next IT Manager Job

I’m not sure how you feel about your current IT manager job, but I’m hoping that we can both agree about something: this is not going to be the last job that you ever have. What that means is that you need to be prepared to go find your next job. I’m hoping that this … Read more

Three Great Questions To Ask When Looking For Your Next IT Manager Job

As IT managers we often find ourselves in demand by other companies. If we decide to test the waters and go out on a job interview, we’d like to have the company that we’re talking with make us an offer. In order to cause that to happen, we need to do a good job during … Read more

4 Ways For IT Managers To Do A Better Job Of Interviewing

The person who has the IT manager job (you) has a huge responsibility – you need to make sure that the right people are attracted to your IT team and that you hire the best of the best. The only problem with this responsibility is that far too few of us have ever received any … Read more

What An IT Leader Needs To Have On Their Resume

As the global recession starts to fade away, IT Leaders who are searching for a new job are starting to feel some new hope and IT Leaders who still have jobs are starting to get the itch to take a look around at what other opportunities there might be out there. Sounds like it’s time … Read more

Is Your Body Secretly Sabotaging Your IT Job Interviews?

Times are tough all over and a lot of IT Leaders are out pounding the pavement looking for their next position. For some of you it may have been a long time since you last had to do an interview – you are much more used to being on the other side of the table … Read more