How Can Managers Make Meetings Better?

Meetings don't have to be a waste of everyone's time

One of the least desirable parts of being a manager is the number of meetings that we find ourselves attending. In fact, there seem to be some days that are just back-to-back meetings that never seem to end. While we are in these meetings it’s pretty common for a manager to wish that they were … Read more

When Doing Hiring, Would It Be Better To Be Blind?

Let’s face it: hiring the right person to join your team is a tough job. When we consider how long they may be with the company and the impact that they may have on the rest of the team, we really want to use our IT manager skills to get this decision right. Over the … Read more

The Secret To Being Thought Of As A Brilliant IT Manager

So here’s a quick question for you: what is the most pleasant thing that anyone on your IT team can hear? If you guessed “their name”, then congratulations, you got it right! t turns out that we all like to hear our name – it’s basically music to our ears. This is nice to know, … Read more