How Can Managers Make Meetings Better?

Meetings don't have to be a waste of everyone's time

One of the least desirable parts of being a manager is the number of meetings that we find ourselves attending. In fact, there seem to be some days that are just back-to-back meetings that never seem to end. While we are in these meetings it’s pretty common for a manager to wish that they were … Read more

Getting Along With The Boss: How To

You need to understand the rules of engagement with your boss

As a manager you are in charge of a team of people who have to do what you tell them to do. However, at the same time you work for a boss who can tell you what to do. What this means for you (and your career) is that you’d like to be able to … Read more

What Can Google Teach Managers About Teams?

What does it take to create a team that will be successful?

What does it take to create a team that will be successful? Image Credit: danny O. The way that most work gets done is when we create a team of professionals, tell them what needs to be done, and then send them off to accomplish it. However, that is not always what happens. We’ve all … Read more