How Managers Can Deal With Distractions In The Office
Managers who are returning back to the office have to deal with an increasing amount of distractions while still staying in touch with their team
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Managers who are returning back to the office have to deal with an increasing amount of distractions while still staying in touch with their team
Oh my goodness – can you believe just how hard it is to find the right person to join your team? I mean think about it: we craft the perfect job description, wade through a pile of resumes, use our manager skills to interview far too many people by phone, invite a few in to … Read more
Let’s face it, as IT Managers we’d all like to be liked. We enjoy the parts of our job that are fun. It makes us happy when another large IT project is successfully rolled out. However, life is life and part of our job is that when there is bad news to be delivered, we’re … Read more
As an IT manager, one of your jobs is to evaluate the performance of your team. How you go about doing this, what IT manager skills you need to use, and how often you do it have been the subject of much debate over the past few years. However, I think that we can all … Read more
So here’s an interesting question for you, what is the most important conversation that you’ll have as an IT manager? It turns out that the answer to this question is the conversation(s) that you’ll have with your management. If we can all agree that these are important, the next question is just exactly what you … Read more
Your time is valuable. It turns out that the time of the people that you report to is also valuable. A big part of the job of being an IT manager is both having conversations with your staff and you having conversations with your management. In both cases every conversation will come to an end. … Read more