Does It Really Matter How Much People Like You?

Forget all that Facebook “like” stuff, there is a much bigger question that you need to be able to answer. Just how likeable are you in real life? You might shrug that question off and say that it doesn’t really matter, it’s what you can use your IT manager skills to accomplish that matters, but … Read more

IT Managers Need To Learn How To Avoid Thinking Negative Thoughts

I have bad days at work. The cause of a bad day for me can vary, but generally it all comes down to some interaction that I’ve had with someone that did not go well despite all of my IT manager skills. When the day is done and I’m finally at home, it can be … Read more

Why Venting Is The Wrong Way To Deal With Workplace Anger

So here’s an interesting question for you: have you ever become angry at work? If you’ve been working for any length of time, the answer to this question has to be “yes” – we all have. Now comes the much bigger question: what did you do about it? It turns out that there are right … Read more