Friends Should Not Help IT Managers Make Hiring Decisions

No, hiring someone is probably not something that you do every day of the week. However, when you do do it, it is a very important task. You really need to pick the right people to join your IT team if you want to keep its performance high. This of course leads to the big … Read more

IT Managers Need To Understand That Reviews Come With Risks

As an IT manager, one of your jobs is to evaluate the performance of your team. How you go about doing this, what IT manager skills you need to use, and how often you do it have been the subject of much debate over the past few years. However, I think that we can all … Read more

IT Managers Need To Understand The Importance Of Networking

How is that IT career of yours going? I certainly hope that it is going well for you. However, I’ve got an important question for you: are you trying to do it all by yourself? It turns out that getting ahead in the world of IT can be a lot easier if we use out … Read more