Fix It & Forget It? Nope, Doesn’t Work For IT

If, like me, you actually enjoy reading the 100+ business books that get published every year then you are probably well aware of what I like to call “the silver bullet syndrome”. In any given business book, the author generally describes a problem, documents the approaches that had been tried to solve the problem, and … Read more

So How Do You Gracefully Leave An IT Job?

In the world of IT we seem to spend a lot of time talking about downsizing and folks getting fired. What hasn’t really been discussed is what the best way to leave a job is. Although in my younger days I was very good at burning my bridges behind me, these days I’ve come to … Read more

He’s / She’s Leaving? Now What?

Teams are a wonderful thing — when everyone is linked together and plays off of each others strengths an IT department can virtually hum just like a smooth flowing machine. However, when a team member decides to leave the team, whether its to go to another internal team or to go to a new company, … Read more

Pimp My IT Job!

What to do when you are stuck working on a program/project that is not the executives’ current favorite? Do you feel as though you are stuck in your company’s technical back waters and that your skills are growing older, staler, and more out-of-date each and every work day? Do you look enviously at your coworkers … Read more

The Power Of A “Thank You”

So here we find ourselves in the powerful 21st Century and yet still we are looking for ways to motivate and keep our teams together. Hmm, some things never change. I recently had an experience that once again reminded me about the power of something that I already knew but had just once again forgotten … Read more

The Joy Of Computer Storage

I’m currently out in Las Vegas attending the EMC World 2008 tradeshow. If you’ve never heard of this one, then you probably aren’t a part of the world of computer storage. EMC is a $15B company that grew large by providing the storage that Yahoo, Google, the government, etc. use to store each and every … Read more