What Is The Cost Of A Stressed Out Team?

Remind me – is stress a good thing or a bad thing? I mean, some stress has to be a good thing, right? This is what motivates your team to accomplish goals and meet deadlines. All of this is valid information; however, it turns out that too much of a good thing can be a … Read more

Are Managers Going To Be Ready For Gen Z Workers?

The next generation of workers are already battle scarred

Ok manager, how is managing those millennials working out for you? I hope that you’ve come up with ways to make peace with them because it is just about time for the next batch of workers to show up on your doorstep: Generation Z. Do you have any manager training for dealing with this? This … Read more

How Managers Can Become Less Anxious

Managers need to learn how to calm their mind during anxious times

When we signed up for the job of being a manager, we may not have realized the other things that came along with this job. One such thing might be the anxiety that being a manager can cause in us. This, of course, bring up the question about just exactly what anxiety is. The dictionary … Read more

How Can A Manager Deal With A Jerk In The Office?

They say that you can pick your friends, but you can’t pick your family members. Well, it turns out that you also can’t necessarily pick your coworkers either. What this means for all of us is that every so often we’re going to find out that no matter what manager skills we have, we are … Read more

How Managers Can Find Compassion For The Difficult People In Their Lives

As a manager, you are called upon to to use your manager skills to interact with a lot of different people. Some of those people may be on your team and some won’t. Some of those people will be easy to get along with and some will, how shall I say this, be difficult to … Read more

Can A Little Anxiety Help Managers Be More Successful?

I guess that I can only really speak for myself here, but I do not like having to wait to learn the answer to something. At work it can be news of an upcoming layoff, whether the company won a big new contract, or what this year’s bonus program is going to look like. No … Read more

Why Negative Feelings May Be Good For An IT Manager

I think that I’m safe in saying that at some point during the past week, despite all of your IT manager skills you probably would have described yourself as being “down”. Just exactly what we mean by this probably differs from person to person, but one thing that we can all agree that at some … Read more

How To Really Screw Up You Next Job Search

IT Leaders may be very good at managing a team of IT professionals and harnessing their skills to accomplish challenging IT goals; however, all too often we do a really bad job of looking for our next job. I’m not talking about poorly formatted resumes or even answering questions incorrectly during a job interview. My … Read more