Managers Seek Better Ways To Fire Employees

Managers need to be careful how they go about breaking up their team

So let’s face it – firing a team member is never an easy thing for a manager to do. You hired this person, you’ve worked with them, and you’ve attempted to correct anything that they were doing wrong, but now it’s reached the so-called “end of the road” and you find yourself in a position … Read more

Saying Goodbye Is Hard To Do: How To Fire Employees

I’d be willing to bet that there are a number of different IT manager tasks that none of us really enjoy doing and that we’ve never really had any IT manager training on how to do correctly. There is that end-of-year employee evaluation that takes so much time to do, there are perhaps weekly time … Read more

How To Fire An Employee

It’s not a pleasant part of the job, but there will come a time where you have a need to terminate one of the members of your IT team. There can be a whole host of reasons for this: poor work performance, companywide layoffs, theft, etc. When it comes time to let this person go, … Read more

5 Tips For IT Managers Who Have To Fire Employees

Some people believe that being an IT manager is a glamorous job. However, these people don’t know about all of the complicated personnel related issues that IT Managers have to deal with. One such issue is rather unpleasant – the firing of IT team members. Sometimes it has to be done, but when you do … Read more

The Wrong Way For An IT Manager To Fire A Worker

It’s time for that IT worker to go. As an IT Manager, one of the most painful decisions that you are ever going to have to make is the decision to terminate an employee. Not only is this a tough call for you to make, if you have any sensitivity then you realize that it’s … Read more

“You’re Fired!” (How To Let People Go With Class)

Ouch! one of the worst parts about being an IT manager is when it comes time to fire someone. It really doesn’t matter if the person truly deserves it or this is one of those “cut 10% from every department” exercises. Handling the situation where staff decides to leave by themselves is hard enough, this … Read more