What Do IT Managers Really Do?

So what do IT Leaders actually do? Generally I’d agree with you if you answered something like “create IT solutions“; however, I’ve been giving this some thought and I think that we’re missing the mark if that’s our answer. If you think about it, what we really spend our time doing is managing people and … Read more

Dealing With High Worker Expectations Requires Real IT Leadership

Can we talk frankly for just a moment? Who’s really in charge in IT departments when it comes to hiring and retaining new talent? You’d think that with the global recession, companies would have the upper hand. However, with the critical importance of IT solutions to existing company operations and increasing global competition, it’s possible … Read more

Alternate Reality Games: Games That IT Leaders Know How To Play

As an IT Leader, you’ve got some challenges facing you. You’re managing a diverse and potentially distributed work force of highly skilled and talented IT professionals. You need to find a way to keep them challenged, and yet at the same time enable them to find ways to work together. Have you considered Alternate Reality … Read more

Google’s Staffing Problems Can Teach IT Leaders A Lot

If you could go to work for any company out there right now, which one would it be? A lot of us would say Google – everything that we’ve read and heard about the company makes it seem like a great place to work. However, it turns out that even Google is not immune to … Read more

IT Leaders Want To Know About : Non-compete Clauses

(Hopefully it goes without saying that I’m not a lawyer and this blog posting is in no way to be considered legal advice. If you’ve got further questions, go get yourself the best lawyer your money can buy…) Did you even know that something called an “Non-compete Clause” existed? It turns out that you may … Read more

The ROI For Employee Training Crisis – Where Is the Money Going?

So you’ve decided that your department / team needs to get some fancy training. Great – more knowledge is always better right? Hold on a minute, maybe not. What happens if after you’ve paid for all of this wonderful training and even some certification (CISSP, CNE, PMP, etc.) your employee decides to walk out the … Read more

Managing IT Talent In The 21st Century: Grow Or Buy?

Hopefully we can agree that the way that IT talent is being managed in most companies is just flat out broken. It’s easy to point fingers and say that a process doesn’t work, it’s much harder to suggest a solution to the problem. Let’s spend some time doing just that – the hard stuff. Fix … Read more

A New Way To Think About IT Talent Management

So hopefully we can agree that most firm’s approach to talent management is at best broken, and often missing-in-action. What’s an IT manager to do? Well, let’s first look for a process that actually works in the modern corporation and then let’s see what we can do to model it for talent management. That can’t … Read more